And yet... no-one seems to care. They are all too busy hating on Kristen Stewart.
A couple of weeks ago the news was broken about how Kirsten Stewart and Rupert Sanders were having an affair. The two met on the set of Snow White and the Huntsman; K-Stew as Snow White, Sanders, director of photography.
It was all kept under wraps, and throughout K-Stew and her dashingly handsome boyfriend Robert Pattison have seemed very much lovey-dovey in the public eye.
A couple however NOT constantly in the public eye was Rupert Sanders and his stunning model wife, Liberty Ross, who was also in the film, playing Snow White's mother.
K-Stew is receiving a LOT of hate right now. According to reports, Robert Pattison has moved out and taken their dog Bear. That must hurt. As well as this, Twitter has gone crazy with insults and her Twilight co-stars are siding with her betrayed beloved.
R-Patz is getting an immense amount of support (currently staying in Reese Witherspoon's 7 million dollar ranch to recover from his grief), along with millions of women offering their shoulders for him to cry on... Personally, I'm a Jacob fan...
Liberty Ross has the whole female population of the world shouting "You go girl!!" when she is photographed looking sweet and innocent, holding the hands of her children and posting such things on social networking sites.
K-Stew is a young woman, who has been in a serious relationship with her co-star for a long time. When you are young, and spending time away from your partner, it becomes easy to start to lean on your closest male figure. This just so happened to be her director, who lapped up the young girls affection and gave her attention. She must of been flattered. An older, successful man, choosing her over his WIFE?! It's wrong, I know, but I can kind of understand how she made such a mistake and got swept up in it all.
He however, is MARRIED, with CHILDREN. He is much older, and was in a position of responsibility. His wife was ON SET for Christ sake! And now, to just show what a nice guy he is, and how much he loves his family he is still wearing his wedding ring and issued a public apology. Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what Liberty wanted, all her dirty laundry being hung out in public.
The 41 year old RAT said:
'I am utterly distraught about the pain I have caused my family. y beautiful wife and heavenly children are all I have in this world. love them with all my heart. I am praying that we can get through this together.'
C'mon people, see through his smarmyness (yes, that's a word!) and stop hating on K-Stew so much! She was just a lonely, confused young girl, who caught the eye of an older man who showed her a lot of affection. Yes, she shouldn't of cheated. Yes, it was wrong.
But what Sanders has done is a lot worse. The worst thing about it? He is getting away with all of it. You, the lovely public, have so much loathing for Kristen (who has lost her partner, her dog, her friends, even her parents are siding with Robert Pattison) you have forgotten about the real rat in this bad love story.
And thanks to his wife, he is still smiling and will be when all of this has died down. According to a close friend of hers-
“She is prepared to give Rupert a second chance. She accepts that it was just one of those silly flirtations.”
Let's just hope that if she can forgive and forget, then so can R-Patz. And it can all go back to normal, for the sake of the children, and of Bear, the dog.
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