Friday, 4 May 2012

Ugly Ducklings To Beautiful Swans... Love to hate them.

Here is some light relief for all to browse whilst nursing those weekend hangovers...

When I was younger my skin was the colour of mud, I wasn't allowed to cut my hair into a style, and my arms and legs were endless. I looked like a baby monkey. "Gibbon" my brothers called me... what made it even worse was the fact I had bigs ears that stick out and when hair started to grow longer... it was thick and black.
I was the epitome of an "Ugly Duckling", and when I got older and cut my hair to my chin to rebel and lost weight due to a attention-seeking bout of anorexia, I looked worse... like a Mowgli look-a-like from the Jungle book.

Then I discovered waxing, hair extensions, the wonderful world of red lipstick with matching stilettos. I grew breasts! However my arms are still weirdly long and I even have a few party tricks where I contort myself like a pretzel. But looking at these photographs, it's lovely to know "I am not alone". Unfortunatly, I grew into, maybe, a woodpecker as opposed to a swan. I never grew into my large nose.

Maybe one day a surgeon will turn me into a swan like this amazing lot...

Saved the best till last, eh? Speak soon my gorgeous girls and guys! XOXOXO

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